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Legionella Risk Assessment – Remedial Works

microscopic magnification Legionella pneumophila, Gram-negative bacillus that causes pneumonia. 3d illustration

Legionella Risk Assessment Water System Works

Remedial and plumbing works on your water system can be highlighted as a requirement following a Legionella Risk Assessment. During the assessment, your inspector will be looking for elements of the pipework and system design that could lead to areas of risk, creating environments ideal for Legionella to thrive. Addressing these areas greatly lowers Legionella risk – but now that you’ve had these areas highlighted, where do you go next?

Our Remedial Works Services

At 4i Water Services, our expert plumbers and engineers are equipped to carry out all of your remedial plumbing work needs. All of our works are completed in accordance with Acop L8 and BS8558:2015m and all our staff are fully trained in Disinfection of Water Systems and Water Supply (water fittings) Regulations 1999.

Our services include:

Cleaning and disinfection of storage cisterns and down services
Re-configuration of pipe work within cold water storage cisterns
Repairing incorrectly installed expansion vessels
Removal of redundant pipe work or water service (dead legs) or other unwanted water services
Repairing or replacing water heaters
Installation of thermostatic mixing valves
Fitting insulation to water storage tanks and piping
Rerouting open vents
Installation and repair of dosing units, TMVs and filters

Contact 4i Water Services

Received a Legionella Risk Assessment verdict and need to progress the raised remedial and plumbing works? Our experts can review your report and feed back with a plan on the most effective solutions, and can carry these out in-house with our qualified and experienced team.

Not had a risk assessment? 4i Water Services can provide this as well.

Contact us today or call us on 01359 242000 to discuss our remedial works services and to reduce your water system risks of Legionella.

