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BSRIA Flushing For Closed Heating & Cooling Systems
Whether constructing residential or commercial buildings, it is essential to make sure that your construction project is fully compliant. This includes your water system.
Installing a new closed water heating & cooling system can open your water up to contamination, as well as exposing your system to risk of corrosion. System contaminants such as mill scale, jointing compound and building debris will inevitably be found in newly fabricated heating and cooling pipework systems, meaning your pipework needs to be correctly flushed and cleaned. Failing to do this can lead to issues of scale, sedimentation and biofouling, which can lead to energy waste, poor system performance and the need for early component replacement.
Call In the Experts
Each closed water system presents different challenges to be managed, and managing some areas without others can lead to unintended issues. Management of closed water systems must be specific to each system and cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach.
At 4i Water Services, we have years of experience supporting commercial water systems for a range of industries, as well as supporting works in the construction sector. Whatever the intended use of your build, we know what your water system will need and how best to make sure your pipes are flushed and protected in a BSRIA-compliant fashion, allowing you to complete construction and deliver a ready-for-use system.